The largest crowds in the four year history of the Boston Cup converged on the common last Sunday to view some of the world’s most iconic vehicles. Ranging over 125 years of history, the motorcycles, cars and even a rare bus wowed VIP’s and the public alike.
The motorcycle display was a first at the 2015 Boston Cup. With the support of Larz Anderson Museum in Brookline bringing a small portion of their incredible exhibition “Beauty of the Beast” and fellow museum and personal contributions, the bikes were a very welcome addition.
Peter Pan bus lines drove their 1939 GM Futurliner all the way from Springfield, it is one of the few remaining buses in existence. Cars came from as far away as Maryland. Everyone enjoyed the bright Boston Common sunshine, the 25,000 spectators, 100’s of volunteers and VIP’s alike.
Special thanks go out to Herb Chambers, the Honda Dealers of New England and all of our sponsors for their loyal support. Jacob Wirth laid out an incredible luncheon and there were happy faces and friends everywhere you looked.
Plans are already in the works for the next Boston Cup on September 18, 2016.
Mark your calendars and watch for exciting announcements throughout the year!